

Present a extensive panorama of performance and projects on bionics and biomimetics, disciplines that have a strong connection with a reference of nature applied to artifact projects. Demonstrate how it is possible through the concepts of sustainability to apply transversal methodological processes and obtain great design solutions.

Carlos Alberto M. Moraes, Dr. EngCo-products Development: More Sustainable Projects, Processes and Products

It is increasingly necessary to find solutions to replace finite natural resources with surplus materials in the production processes, either by reducing them in abundance or by preventing environmental impacts. The development of co-products through integrated projects with technological, social, environmental and economic aspects is fundamental to guarantee an appropriate life cycle for the application of new and more sustainable materials.

Antonio Ludovico Beraldo, Dr.: Bambu: raw material for the 21st Century

Bamboo is still a relatively unknown natural resource for the Brazilian population. Although this plant has a multiplicity of applications, its most frequent uses refer to the making of fences, partitions and small objects of decoration. However, in several Asian countries and parts of the Americas, bamboo plays an important role in the preservation of native forests, providing a infinitude  of applications, from the food industry to bridges construction.

Danilo CorbasArchitecture in Container.

In this lecture the architect Danilo Corbas will bring his experience in projects using Containers. Danilo is an Architect graduated from the University of São Paulo in 1991, was the forerunner of container construction in Brazil. Author of internationally recognized projects, he developed his own constructive technique in 2009 using marine containers. His first project was the famous Container House of Granja Viana, in SP. Nowadays, has countless projects in Brazil, such as houses, events and commercial buildings. He is recognized as one of the main promoters of this type of construction, has participated in reports on the subject, has published his projects in the main magazines of the sector, as well as projects published outside Brazil in two great books on the theme “Architecture in Containers”. Watch the video of the construction of the container house with the interview of Danilo Corbas for the program Cities and Solutions.

Bernadete Brandão, Esp .: How Slow Design can positively impact people’s lives

Imagine clothes, shoes, furniture, utilities, produced to generate healthier habits and impact less and respecting the time to be done with quality and respect for the environment and to promote the well-being of people, society and natural systems. Slow Down is a movement, it is an invitation to see outside and self-observation. Contemplate the true rhythm of things. To initiate a virtuous process from the origin, the project, passing through respect with the environment and social innovation models for products, valuing people, their creativity and pleasure to collaborate.

Denise Dantas, Dra. Materioteca and Sustainable Materials: Challenges

Denise Dantas is a professor at the Design Course at FAU USP. Has graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo, specializing in Industrial Design by Scuola Politecnica di Design di Milano. She completed his master’s and doctorate at the University of São Paulo, always with researches in the field of product design. Nowadays, she coordinates the material collection for the design and architecture Materialize, FAU USP, in partnership with the Materioteca collection, of Politecnico di Milano.

Dulce De Meira Albach, Dra .: Future Scenarios in the Context of Design for Sustainability

The main assumptions of the development of this work are: Design for Sustainability with the proposition of achieving a discontinuity of current patterns of production and consumption; and Future Studies in that it establishes parameters that configure changes of perspective. This context proposes a methodology for the creation of Future Scenarios for the packaging and food sectors and interpreted in the supermarket environment (self-service) as a place of great concentration of both. The process aims at the development of strategies that may better target a preferable future supported by the field of design.

Akemi Ino, Dra.: Wood and Land – Habis25 of IAU.USP

The research, teaching and extension experiences with projects carried out over 25 years by the group HABISdo IAU-USP (Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo) indicate the possibilities and limits of the material wood associated or not with the earth for projects housing and institutional development. With the projects carried out in various contexts, it sought to discuss several aspects of the different facets of ‘sustainability’ involved in its production process. And today, the group develops research, teaching and extension with a view to building new paradigms for more sustainable construction.