Centro de Cultura e Eventos


The Centro de Cultura e Eventos was opened in 2004. It has a wide auditorium (up to 1371 seated attendants), 4 multiuse rooms (up to 75 attendants each), an area for exhibitions/stands, and other infrastructure related resources to give support to events. The ground floor has a food court with many options, a bookstore, ATMs and other conveniences.

Auditório principal do Centro de Cultura e Eventos. (Foto: Henrique Almeida para ufsc.br)

Main auditorium of the Centro de Cultura e Eventos. (Photograph by: Henrique Almeida for ufsc.br)

Ground Floor: 

1 – Editora UFSC
2 – Xerox
3- ATMs
4- Bookstore and Stationery
5 – Food Court

Planta do andar térreo do Centro de  Cultura e Eventos. (Fonte: dceven.ufsc.br/planta)

Overview of the ground floor of the Centro de Cultura e Eventos. (Source: dceven.ufsc.br/planta)

First Floor

6- Garapuvu Auditorium – Plenária 1
7 – Hall for fairs and exhibitions
8 – Secretary for Events
9A- Auxiliary room – Goiabeira
9B – Auxiliary room – Laranjeira
9C – Auxiliary room – Pitangueira
9D – Auxiliary room – Aroeira

10 – Balcony
11 – Access Ramps

Planta do primeiro andar do Centro de  Cultura e Eventos. Fonte: dceven.ufsc.br/planta

Overview of the first floor of the Centro de Cultura e Eventos. (Source: dceven.ufsc.br/planta)