Publicado em 21/06/2017 às 11:10 AMImportant dates:
ACTIVITY DATE SUBSCRIPTION VALUES Payment confirmation for subscription of papers accepted for publication in the event’s anals 20/03/2018 Sending of oral presentations 01/04/2018 Sending of corrected version of papers and update in EasyChair platform 10/03/2018 Submissions to the ENSUS Sustainability Prize until 10/04/2018 — Online subscriptions for students – 1st lot until 01/02/2018 R$100,00 Online subscriptions for teachers, researchers, professionals, post-graduates and community – 1st lot until 01/02/2018 R$150,00 Online subscriptions for students – 2nd lot 02/02/2018 a 20/03/2018 (payment confirmation until 25/03/2018) R$150,00 Online subscriptions for teachers, researchers, professionals, post-graduates and community – 2nd lot 02/02/2018 a 20/03/2018 (payment confirmation until 25/03/2018) R$200,00 Scientific paper submission – 1st Call until 30/11/2017 — Scientific paper submission – 2nd Call 01/12/2017 to 30/01/2018 — Estimated date of annoucement of approved papers 20/02/2018 — Event realization 18/04/2018 to 20/04/2018 – Presentation
The VI Encounter for Sustainability in Project (ENSUS) will take place from the 18th to the 20th of April 2018, in The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). ENSUS gathers professors, technicians, students and members of the comunity that search for sustainability integrated to projects and the development of new products, in the areas of Architecture, Engineering and Design. The first edition of the event was realised in 2007, in Itajaí/SC, at the Campus of Univali. The University of Vale do Itajaí hosted the second and third editions too, in the years of 2008 and 2009. The fourth and fifth editions happened in The Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2016 and 2017, respectively. In 2018 there will be a sixth edition of the encounter between the days 18 and 20 of April, also at UFSC, presenting a diversified programme involving renomated speakers, round-tables and presentations of scientific papers and banners.