Scientific paper submission

Submission for scientific papers for ENSUS until 30/11/2017

The 12 best papers will be published in the journal Mix Sustentável – special edition ENSUS 2018

Download the template for the submission of scientific papers to ENSUS 2018 here: Template ENSUS 2018

The paper, formatted according to the template, must be submitted via EasyChair platform. If there are questions regarding the submission process, please consult the following guide:

Submission guide via EasyChair ENSUS 2018

Scientific paper submission

*We remind you that the submission MUST NOT contain identification of the authors in its body nor its filename*

Thematic sessions of the event: 

Design Sustainable Development
Economical Sustainability Architecture
Sustainability Constructive systems and processes
Project Methodologies Sustainability in Civil Construction
Energetic Efficiency in Architecture Engineering
Social Sustainability Ambiental Sustainability